Presentations and Media

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Alex Hetherington: There's no Planet B
Alex Hetherington: There’s no Planet B Today we are joined by Alex Hetherington, founder of …34 MBesg-strategy
ESG Africa: Climate and Culture
Alex Hetherington, the Third Line Group, keynote presentation at the ESG Africa Conference.1 MBclimate-changepresentation
The business case for Integrated Thinking
Climate Risk - common but differentiated responsibility for climate risks and opportunities
This one-hour webinar is intended to equip you with the abilities to explain the principles …climate-changewebinar
The History of Sustainability
A walk through the “alphabet soup” : From the VOC to ESG.14 MBexecutive-board-trainingpresentation
, A walk through the “alphabet soup” : From the VOC to ESG.14 MBesg-strategy executive-board-trainingwebinar
, esg-strategy executive-board-trainingwebinar
126 KBclimate-changearticle
943 KBesg-strategyarticle
155 KBexecutive-board-trainingarticle
367 KBclimate-changearticle